Thursday, May 19, 2011

Yesterday nite was fun!! Sattish and Malini made my day... went to have dessert at cafe cartel after the "tuition" session... ever since that incident nothing seems nothing to look forward too... hal and yani went to the traffic thingy... and i have to wait till 3 for the briefing till 430..after which waiting for them to eat after tat!!!

in is MISERABLE!!! only relying on after school hours to keep myself happy and have a social life... the onlee way to escape from that stupid thingy!! AAARRRCGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!

m now moulding my strength again...

aniwae BAGUS coming to singapore!!! my indon friend... it has been 6-7 yrs since we saw each other!!! tak sempat to say gdbye to him at the airport when i went to indon... :(

okay bye!! gonna relaxed myself and free my mind of the problem before i start my work :)

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